An owner who can successfully run an offline store and provide an online presence to meet the opportunities, including launching their website and selling products, subscriptions, and customer support, can successfully build a Nutraceutical Merchant Processing. Nutra merchant accounts provide different payment options ensuring you receive many sales leading to a successful business. The nutraceutical industry doesn’t accept direct payments since these industries are risky because of the many payment options. Let’s look deep into the nutraceutical business.
Types of nutraceutical merchant accounts:
1. Retail: in retail, card present payment is acceptable, including credit card, point of sale, debit card, etc., with transaction rate low since it has only little chance of fraud and chargeback risks as compared to other merchants.
1. Mobile: another alternative payment option is a mobile merchant account. Here customers are allowed to use credit card swiping that plugs their mobile to pay with a low chance of fraud and chargebacks, which leads to low transaction rates.
1. Virtual terminal: This option gives the costumes more opportunities to pay, where you can pay through phone, mail, or laptop.
1. E-commerce: eCommerce merchant account is required to sell the products online
Top features of merchant accounts:
1. Competitive credit card risk
2. Chargeback alerts
3. Customer service support
4. Chargeback disputes
5. ACH/ check 21 processing
6. Multi-bank processing
7. Secure payment gateway
8. Fraud prevention and protection.
Why are Nutraceutical industries considered high-risk?
Few apples can spoil a bunch of apples—one of the most common high risks in these companies. Few nutraceutical companies provide quality products, but some companies’ products differ from advertisements. When the companies don’t keep up their word in quality, customers require their money back, resulting in chargebacks.
First card payment is the best choice for nutraceuticals accounts:
1. No application or setup fees
2. 25% off from the first card payment
3. No early termination or cancellation fees
4. Quick approvals with low prices, including additional special consideration
5. Quick solution to problems like many chargebacks, bad transactions, etc
6. Availability of credit repair gateway.
Your responsibility is to find the best Nutraceutical Merchant Processing and utilize it properly to succeed in your business. Look at the website and gain more information.